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How to wash sportswear


Sports quick-drying clothes are a kind of clothes we wear when we are exercising. They can help us absorb sweat quickly, and we will not catch a cold so easily. So how to wash sports quick-drying clothes?

1. Do not wash frequently. Not only sports quick-drying clothes, but all outdoor clothing should not be washed too often. The more times you wash it, the more damage it will do to sports quick-drying clothes.

2. For sports quick-drying clothes that do not have waterproof function, adjust the washing machine to the "gentle" mode and put it in the machine for cleaning.

3. For fabrics with special coatings or other waterproof functions, you should choose hand washing. Pour a small amount of laundry detergent into the basin and rub slowly with your hands.

 4. For the drying skills of sports quick-drying clothes, you can refer to the jacket, put it in a cool and ventilated place, and wait for it to dry naturally.

 5. After washing, the waterproof performance of sports quick-drying clothes will be more or less decreased, and spray can be used to restore it.